Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 12:36:28 PDT From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #1064 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Mon, 26 Sep 94 Volume 94 : Issue 1064 Today's Topics: Amateur Radio in Saudi Arabia? Callbook Address? DL5DCA and 9A2AA Can US hams operate from Canada? Car warantees and 2-way radio: Summary Country music & ham Radio Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 23 September FTP Sites...Boston, Buffalo? (ZA land..) Listing of different awards! Looking for Hamfests Looking for list of all US counties MFJ and FBB, how???? Patience is a Virtue Route for TN6RR Silent Key AA9JD SWL wants to talk QSLing Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 13:20:10 GMT From:!agate!!gatech!!!!!world!!!nntpa! Subject: Amateur Radio in Saudi Arabia? To: Greg Danylchenko (ac742@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote: : I am facing a posting in Saudi for a year. While Saudi is a prohibited : country for Canadian Hams (probably for others as well), does anyone know : if amateur radio exists within Saudi Arabia? If so any info would be : appreciated. : -- : Greg Danylchenko ac742@FreeNet.Carleton.CA : VE3YTZ Prohibited? You mean you can't have a QSO with a Saudi station? We can. I've worked Saudi Arabia. There are Americans operating there using a 7Z call and they have a US QSL manager. They are quite active. Shel Darack WA2UBK ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 13:23:39 GMT From:!usc!!!! Subject: Callbook Address? DL5DCA and 9A2AA To: Hi, I recently made two QSOs with stations whose managers are in the 1994 callbook. I have an older book that serves me fine most of the time, but not this time. So, if some kind soul could e-mail me addresses for the following calls, I'd be grateful: 9A2AA DL5DCA Sorry to freeload this time. Please don't post here; e-mail me. 73, Benjy -- Benjy Cline, AC4XO Virginia Tech Computing Center ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Sep 94 17:27:02 GMT From:!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!news.hal.COM!olivea!!!!!!!gatech! Subject: Can US hams operate from Canada? To: (Scott Richard Rosenfeld) writes: >Just like you're entering another call area (NO, CANADA IS NOT THE >LARGEST STATE IN THE US!!!). So while I'd normally be NF3I, if I >were in California I'd be > > NF3I/6 or NF3I portable 6 > >In Ontario, where we vacation every summer, I transform into > > NF3I/VE3 or NF3I portable VE3 > >and you use your FCC-granted privileges. Minus access to 10MHz of the 70cm band ... ;-/ Ciao -- 73 de VE6MGS/Mark -sk- ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 94 12:26:56 GMT From:!swrinde!sgiblab!bridge2!Thoth! Subject: Car warantees and 2-way radio: Summary To: In article, (Gary Coffman) writes: > >Take a key and go along both sides of the car making big scratches. Now >it's not pristine any more, so you can get out the Black and Decker and >DRILL THAT HOLE. (The keying is optional, but if that's what it takes to >get your nerve up, do it, someone will anyway sooner or later.) > >Gary I second Gary's comments. For a neat hole with less effort, buy a Greenlee 3/4" round punch, just perfect for those NMO mounts. Access to the roof is usually through the dome light, and the new headliners are semi-rigid, which makes fishing the coax over to the windshield pillar quite easy. The pillar trim usually comes off quite easily, as well, allowing you to route the coax down the pillar and under the dash. Larsen sells excellent NMO mount antennas, and a pack of 5 little black NMO hole plugs, which you goop up with silicone seal and pop into the hole before you sell the car. 73, Peter --- Peter Simpson, KA1AXY 3Com Corporation (508) 836-1719 voice Northborough, MA 01532 (508) 393-6934 fax I speak only for myself, 3Com doesn't pay me to speak for them, so I don't. ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 12:52:46 GMT From:!!agate!!swrinde!sgiblab!! Subject: Country music & ham Radio To: Robin Ludlow (as041@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote: : In a previous article, (S-JEvans) says: : >The other night I heard this guy yakking on the bands about some wierd : >C&W type songs out on CD about us Hams (one of the titles he mentioned : >was "Radio Widows") any one know anything about this??? (like a name?? : >title??, callsign???) Check the ad on page 140 of October QST.. 73, Larry, KQ4BY ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Sep 94 17:53:56 MDT From:!agate!!gatech!!!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 23 September To: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ DAILY SUMMARY OF SOLAR GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITY 23 SEPTEMBER, 1994 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (Based In-Part On SESC Observational Data) SOLAR AND GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITY INDICES FOR 23 SEPTEMBER, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The background x-ray flux continued below class A1.0 levels. !!BEGIN!! (1.0) S.T.D. Solar Geophysical Data Broadcast for DAY 266, 09/23/94 10.7 FLUX=071.4 90-AVG=079 SSN=017 BKI=1201 0102 BAI=002 BGND-XRAY=A1.0 FLU1=1.4E+06 FLU10=1.3E+04 PKI=1101 1211 PAI=003 BOU-DEV=007,010,003,005,004,006,004,010 DEV-AVG=006 NT SWF=00:000 XRAY-MAX= A3.4 @ 0057UT XRAY-MIN= A1.0 @ 2356UT XRAY-AVG= A1.5 NEUTN-MAX= +002% @ 1835UT NEUTN-MIN= -002% @ 1845UT NEUTN-AVG= +0.0% PCA-MAX= -0.1DB @ 1255UT PCA-MIN= -1.1DB @ 1720UT PCA-AVG= -0.5DB BOUTF-MAX=55214NT @ 1313UT BOUTF-MIN=55194NT @ 1809UT BOUTF-AVG=55208NT GOES7-MAX=P:+000NT@ 0000UT GOES7-MIN=N:+000NT@ 0000UT G7-AVG=+081,+000,+000 GOES6-MAX=P:+151NT@ 2118UT GOES6-MIN=N:-015NT@ 1737UT G6-AVG=+111,+026,+001 FLUXFCST=STD:072,074,076;SESC:072,074,076 BAI/PAI-FCST=005,010,015/008,010,020 KFCST=2123 3111 2133 3222 27DAY-AP=007,007 27DAY-KP=3222 1112 2322 1221 WARNINGS= ALERTS= !!END-DATA!! NOTE: The Effective Sunspot Number for 22 SEP 94 was 15.9. The Full Kp Indices for 22 SEP 94 are: 2- 1+ 0o 0+ 0o 1o 1o 1+ The 3-Hr Ap Indices for 22 SEP 94 are: 6 5 1 2 1 4 4 5 Greater than 2 MeV Electron Fluence for 23 SEP is: 7.0E+06 SYNOPSIS OF ACTIVITY -------------------- Solar activity was very low. No flares were observed. A filament near Region 7779 (N17W69) was observed to erupt from 23/1300Z to 1354Z. Region 7781 (S08W07) is growing slowly. Solar activity forecast: solar activity is expected to be very low. The geomagnetic field was quiet. Geophysical activity forecast: the geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet to unsettled becoming unsettled to active by the end of the forecast period due to a coronal hole. Event probabilities 24 sep-26 sep Class M 01/01/01 Class X 01/01/01 Proton 01/01/01 PCAF Green Geomagnetic activity probabilities 24 sep-26 sep A. Middle Latitudes Active 10/30/30 Minor Storm 05/20/20 Major-Severe Storm 01/15/15 B. High Latitudes Active 10/25/25 Minor Storm 05/25/25 Major-Severe Storm 01/20/20 HF propagation conditions continued near-normal over all regions, although the weakened state of the ionosphere is resulting in reduced MUFs. Similar conditions are expected over the next day or two. Effects of a well-placed coronal hole could begin degrading high and polar path propagation anytime now. The most serious degradation is expected on 25 and 26 September. COPIES OF JOINT USAF/NOAA SESC SOLAR GEOPHYSICAL REPORTS ======================================================= LISTING OF SOLAR ENERGETIC EVENTS FOR 23 SEPTEMBER, 1994 -------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MAX END RGN LOC XRAY OP 245MHZ 10CM SWEEP NONE POSSIBLE CORONAL MASS EJECTION EVENTS FOR 23 SEPTEMBER, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN MAX END LOCATION TYPE SIZE DUR II IV 23/B1301 B1354 N20W62 DSF INFERRED CORONAL HOLES. LOCATIONS VALID AT 23/2400Z --------------------------------------------------- ISOLATED HOLES AND POLAR EXTENSIONS EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH CAR TYPE POL AREA OBSN 04 S03W09 S15W29 S03W29 N05W24 237 ISO POS 005 10830A SUMMARY OF FLARE EVENTS FOR THE PREVIOUS UTC DAY ------------------------------------------------ Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn 2695 MHz 8800 MHz 15.4 GHz ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- NO EVENTS OBSERVED. REGION FLARE STATISTICS FOR THE PREVIOUS UTC DAY ------------------------------------------------ C M X S 1 2 3 4 Total (%) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- ------ Uncorrellated: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 ( 0.0) Total Events: 000 optical and x-ray. EVENTS WITH SWEEPS AND/OR OPTICAL PHENOMENA FOR THE LAST UTC DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn Sweeps/Optical Observations ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------------------------- NO EVENTS OBSERVED. NOTES: All times are in Universal Time (UT). Characters preceding begin, max, and end times are defined as: B = Before, U = Uncertain, A = After. All times associated with x-ray flares (ex. flares which produce associated x-ray bursts) refer to the begin, max, and end times of the x-rays. Flares which are not associated with x-ray signatures use the optical observations to determine the begin, max, and end times. Acronyms used to identify sweeps and optical phenomena include: II = Type II Sweep Frequency Event III = Type III Sweep IV = Type IV Sweep V = Type V Sweep Continuum = Continuum Radio Event Loop = Loop Prominence System, Spray = Limb Spray, Surge = Bright Limb Surge, EPL = Eruptive Prominence on the Limb. ** End of Daily Report ** ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 18:17:11 +0200 From:!!!pacifier!rainrgnews0!psgrain!!! Subject: FTP Sites...Boston, Buffalo? (ZA land..) To: Hi All Please can someone e-mail me [or post on this newsgroup ;-(] the FTP sites that provide decent Amateur sharware, AMSAT, ARRL bulletins etc. Please try and include the directory path(s) with the site, log on time is killing my bank balance:-) Buffalo and Boston ring a bell this end, but this little ole' African has lost his way on the Internet...... All replies will be greatly appreciated. TIA Cheerio, Brian ZR5DTS Voice: ++27-31-7011201 (06:00-14:30 UTC) Internet: Fax: ++27-31-7090813 AX25 Packet: ZR5DTS@ZS5S.NTL.ZAF ICBM's: 29:51:05 S 30:53:59 E ********************************************************************* I am glad I don't know everything, that way life isn't boring - Brian Ellse 94 ********************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 12:31:25 GMT From:!!agate!!!!!corpgate!!brtph560!b4pph107! Subject: Listing of different awards! To: In article , (Scott Darragh) writes: |> I am trying to compile a list of all the different awards one can earn. |> The only awardws I am NOT interested in are club or local awards. In other |> words I only want awards sponsored by ARRL, the different ham magazines, or |> other national/international agency(ies). If you can be of help please |> email me with as many of them as you know of. |> |> Scott |> Hi Scott. The ARRL Operating Manual contains a great section on operating awards. As near as I can remember, it describes about 300 different awards. None local, although many are forign. The Operating Manual is a great book that I use about 10 times as much as the ARRL Handbook. 73, Jeff. -- ******************************************************************************* *** CW ops let their fingers do the talking. AC4ZO *** BNR claims they know nothing of my employment here. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 94 16:51:52 GMT From: Subject: Looking for Hamfests To: >in the mail] Can anyone recommend a source of information regarding hamfests >in the Southern NJ/NY/Eastern PA area? I really like going to these things - well, I would consider joining the ARRL (get QST) or subscribing to CQ or 73. All the mags publish an event schedule listing hamfests for the next month or so. You don't have to be a ham to be an ARRL member. You do have to be a ham to be able to vote on the few things members get to vote on and to be able to to be appointed to a'd be an associate member until you received your license and at that time you'd notify the league and there you are. 73, bill wb9ivr ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 12:45:14 GMT From:!usc!!!!corpgate!!brtph560!b4pph107! Subject: Looking for list of all US counties To: In article , (Scott Darragh) writes: |> I am looking for a county listing for the entire United States I believe |> there are a little over 3000. If you can help please drop me a note. |> |> Scott |> |> Hello again Scott. Once again, The ARRL Operating Manual contains the information you seek. I believe there are about 3072 counties, all listed alphabetically by State, Then County. 73, Jeff. -- ******************************************************************************* *** CW ops let their fingers do the talking. AC4ZO *** BNR claims they know nothing of my employment here. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 18:18:41 +0200 From: agate!!!!psgrain!!! Subject: MFJ and FBB, how???? To: I have just ordered n MFJ 1276 TNC from the States. My intention is to run a BBS on VHF, with Pactor forwarding on HF. I will be using the (F6)FBB software to run the BBS (v 5.15). My question arises from the set-up instructions contained in the FBB manual. It states that "...for TNC-2 or close clones. The EPROM of the type 27256 must be replaced by a special EPROM with the WA8DED host mode software, or by the German TF4, TF8 or TF18" (Pg 37 of manual) Now the MFJ advert that I saw prior to ordering my 1276, says that the MFJ is a clone of the TNC-2 type, totally compatible with the TAPR system, and is used in the US for digi's and BBS's. Q1. Do I need to order the special EPROM mentioned, or does the MFJ come standard with the "right stuff". Q2. What software are the majority of BBS's in the USA running on, here in ZS land, FBB is the favourite. If not FBB in the States, is the favourite available via FTP anonymous site. Please e-mail to my Reply To, or [:-(] post replies here. Many thanks for taking the time to read and assist in this matter. Cheerio, Brian ZR5DTS Voice: ++27-31-7011201 (06:00-14:30 UTC) Internet: Fax: ++27-31-7090813 AX25 Packet: ZR5DTS@ZS5S.NTL.ZAF ICBM's: 29:51:05 S 30:53:59 E ********************************************************************* I am glad I don't know everything, that way life isn't boring - Brian Ellse 94 ********************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 05:47:23 GMT From:!!!!!!!!gatech! Subject: Patience is a Virtue To: In article , Tony Stalls ( wrote: > On 22 Sep 1994, O. D. Williams wrote: > > You know, I thought Wayne was being too hard on the ARRL until I joined > > it two months ago. You get a free book when you join. I picked the > > repeater directory because mine was a '91 model. I had been seeing the '95 > > edition in the stores, in the magazines (including QST), and at hamfests. > > Imagine my surprise when my "new" book arrived and it was a '94 version! > > Now we know how the ARRL gets rid of all those outdated license manuals, > > they give them as "freebies" to newcommers! > > > > O. D. Williams, N7OZH > > Disgusted ARRL newbie. > So you get last year's Repeater Directory as a freebie and automatically > condemn the whole League? Aren't you jumping the gun a little? There's > a lot more to the organization that their new member giveaways. If it was the same ad that I got recently, it even said that it was last year's directory in the add. So, he got exactly what he asked for! Big deal. [snip, snip...] OAN... > K4KYO > ARRL/QCWA Life Member ^^^^^^^^^^^ So, just how does one become a life member of the ARRL? I don't think I recall ever seeing this mentioned in print. -- Gene Battin, N9XAM ------------------------------ Date: 26 SEP 94 14:02:34 From:!!! Subject: Route for TN6RR To: Everything I've heard about this station indicates it's probably SLIM! 73 - Jim AD1C -- James J. Reisert Internet: Digital Equipment Corp. UUCP: ...decwrl!!reisert 146 Main Street - MLO5-2/M16 Voice: 508-493-5747 Maynard, MA 01754 FAX: 508-493-0700 ------------------------------ Date: 22 Sep 1994 21:26:09 GMT From:!agate!!gatech!!!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: Silent Key AA9JD To: MSG # TR SIZE TO FROM @BBS DATE TITLE 38607 B$ 773 SILENT KB9ISW ALLUS 940922 SILENT KEY AA9JD Chicago Sept 22,1994 To: All Ham Radio Operators It's with my deepest regret to inform the Ham community that our fellow Ham Bohdan ( Bob ) Dobrowalksy " AA9JD " Passed away today due to a heartattack. Bob influenced me in joyning Ham radio last year and help all who he came across in his path of life. He was a member of the Chicago FM Club, He was President of the Polish Americal Amateur Radio Club in Chicago, He Assisted as a VE with testing with the SRO radio Club in Chicago. He will be missed by all who knew him, specialy me. Our deepest sympathy goes to his family ( Wife ) Sofie, His son Tom KB9IQX and his brother Wasyl N9NCY of Pall Lake Wisc. We will miss Bob 73's DE MIKE KB9ISW. Packet KB9ISW@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NOAM Posted by Alexis Leynes N9KYJ as a favor to KB9ISW ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 08:52:34 -0500 From:!usc!! Subject: SWL wants to talk QSLing To: I have in the past 3 years been sporadically QSLing stations all over the world for DXCC and IOTA credit via the bureau and my QSL return has been pretty low, yet I hear other SWLs talk of how they have 300 countries confirmed etc. .... I want to hear from fellow SWLs of their QSLing experience: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ do you need to go direct all the time to get those DX cards ( despite the expense of doing so ) or is there a special knack in getting that reply QSL card via the bureau? I would like to know what stations are no problem via the bureau and which especially welcome SWL cards..... And lets see if I get a better rate of reply through my letterbox!!! E-mail: Packet: coming soon... (I hope) Lyndon GD7OYA ISWL GD20325 DX * IOTA * WAB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x Lyndon Nixon - 2nd Year Biblical Studies & Philosophy - Queens' University xxxxx Belfast - Northern Ireland - Callsign GD7OYA ISWL member GD-20325 x mail: --- home: 29 Falkland Drive, Onchan, Isle of Man x 'whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign Lord' Ez. 12.28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 14:01:21 GMT From:!!agate!!torn!nott!cunews!! To: References <>, <>, Subject : Re: ZAPPING dead Nicad Packs with my quick charger?? Clifton T. Sharp ( wrote: : My usual charging method is sine-wave power, 0.5C forward and 0.05C : reverse on alternating half-cycles of 60 Hz AC. (Slight imperfections in : waveshape should be uneventful; due to diodes.) I have observed the dip : using only 0.75C forward pulses with no load. What is the advantage of this over using DC, forward only? -- Dave Perry VA3DP | Any opinions expressed here are mine and are not | necessarily those of Carleton University. | "Moo-ahhhh" - FZ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Sep 94 17:24:51 GMT From:!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!news.hal.COM!olivea!!!!!!!gatech! To: References <35dq9i$>, , edu Subject : Re: Learning CW (William Kucharski) writes: >Actually, this doesn't work for me. I have the problem where I can easily >translate text to dits and dahs at high speed; I just can't seem to get the >reverse operation down quite right. I still find myself trying to count >dits and dahs rather than hearing the "sound" of letters and words. Any >hints? Listen to Farnsworth coding, this is where the letters are sent at a much higher speed than you can copy, but with an intercharacter space that you can deal with. The symbols are transmitted as if at 16wpm, a speed that is typically much beyond the capability for one to hear the individual dits and dahs, but the characters are presented at a rate that would by typical of 5wpm (PARIS transmitted 5 times a minute). The ARRL code tapes use farmsworth coding. Ciao -- 73 de VE6MGS/Mark -sk- ------------------------------ Date: 26 Sep 1994 14:32:52 GMT From:!swrinde!!!! To: References <>, <35nu0p$>, Subject : Re: Restrictive Covenants: I can't have *any* antenna? > >In my case the"architectural review committee" was the owners of the land >being developed. After all of the lots were sold the people living in >the subdivision had 30 days to vote in a new review committee, otherwise Much as I read and run into this phenomena I still find it hard to believe that so many people let others dictate minute details (i.e. not related to public safety) what they can do with their private property. Greg Greg Taylor, KD4HZ // // 409-845-4445 // Fax-847-8744 ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #1064 ******************************